Bean Residents Association,
Bean, Dartford, Kent, UK

Incident Beacon Drive Layby 6-Jan-2024, about 5am - Appeal for Information
An appeal is made for information about the 'hit and run' which occurred in the Village on Saturday 6th January about 5am. What appears to be a White Landrover Freelander drove down Beacon Drive and hit several vehicles before speeding off. We have been given the number plate OE13 OUJ.
Many thousands of pounds worth of damage occurred, but no Crime Number available.

C1 Bus Timetable from 2nd Jan 2024: -


01474 832999

“Bean Together”

Local Services, Trades & Organisations

Atkins General Arrangement drawings 18-Feb-2021.*
Sheets 21 to 23 & 28 of 34 from Highways England.

Hope Cottages Roundabout does not have traffic signals.
Ightham Cottages roundabout is signal controlled,

*May not be 'as-built'
Watling St & Sandy La Non-Motorised Users Routes not shown
Balfour Beatty Main Works Completion 30th June 2022
Work continues December 2023

Aerial View Hope Cottages Area
After New Bridge Opening

Aerial View Ightham towards Hope Cottages with New Bridge Open.
Credits: Balfour Beatty - Drone Photos.
Any Questions: -


Legacy Brochure 30 June 2022 Main Works OPEN

Bean RA Meetings held on 1st Monday from Feb 22 to Dec 23 (except May 22, Jan 23 & July 23)

NEXT Meeting is 8:15 pm in Bean Village Hall on Mon 4th Dec 2023

Travelling Showpeople Application-School Lane: -
On 20 May 2020 the DBC REFUSED planning permission.
On 13-Aug-2020 DBC served an Enforcement Notice.
Appeals against Enforcement Notice were DISMISSED 17-Mar-22 and the Notice upheld with a variation. Date to comply was 17-Jun-23.

A2 Bean and Ebbsfleet junction improvements Public Inquiry
The Inspector's Report and Sectretary of State's decision were published on 2nd June 2020.

LINK to SoS Decision Letter and LINK to SoS Decision Letter Annex

LINK to Inspector, Mrs Lesley Coffey, 116 page Report

March 2020 BeansTalk Online

A Report was commisioned by Ebbsfleet Development Corporation in 2018.
Final Copy received 19-Feb-19. LINK TO REPORT ON EDC WEB SITE: -

Statement made on 9 March 2023
To date we have spent over £800m on planning the Lower Thames Crossing. It is one of the largest planning applications ever, and it is important we get this right. We remain committed to the Lower Thames Crossing, and the Development Consent Order process will be an important opportunity to consult further to ensure there is an effective and deliverable plan. In order to allow time for this process, and given wider pressures on RIS, we will look to rephase construction by 2 years.

On 28 November 2022 the Planning Inspectorate confirmed it had accepted National Highway’s application for a Development Consent Order.
The project received almost 95,000 consultation responses. A rigorous examination of the proposals by a panel of independent, government-appointed experts, is in progress. The examination, including public hearings, is likely to take around 6 months. .

The Beacon Drive/ Drudgeon Way APPLICATION, for 6 Houses, instead of 5, approved by DBC on 8th Feb 2018 with 23 Conditions.
Currently the approval is in abeyance awaiting action from Vision Homes; see

In recognition of the end of the 1914-1918 World War and with a grant from KCC, the Parish Council purchased and arranged installation of a Memorial
to all those from Bean who lost their lives in the service of their country.
The stone is on the triangle of land between High Street and Shellbank Lane.
A short service of dedication took place at 2 pm on Sunday 11th November 2018, conducted by Rev. Josh Young from St. Nicholas Southfleet.

Lest We Forget - 1914-1918 World War. The men of Bean answered the call to defend their country in the First World War. 
Most of them were farm labourers. 
This LINK is to a brief description about the men who did not return, or,
as in one case, died a few years later as a result of being gassed in the war. [Research by JC]

- - - Site Map - - -

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Updated 20th May 2024
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Bean History (1) Today
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2~Since 1950
3~In 1949
4 NEW~Borland Family
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From 26 March 2006
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